Shaw email is used worldwide by the millions of people. The Shaw email is laced with customer-friendly features and add-ons. It also has an impressive Shaw customer service behind it to provide support for the customers.
No matter how trivial your issue is while using Shaw email, you can always reach this service by using the Shaw phone number. The team is very responsive when it comes to resolving the queries of customer They can be contacted facilely at the Shaw phone number.
issues of shaw customer service
- Having difficulty sending mails: If you are not able to send Shaw email and you have checked for the internet connection and typing errors, please contact the Shaw customer service and seek the necessary help. They can be reached in a hassle-free manner just by dialing the Shaw phone number.
- Bouncing Back emails: At times you can send the Shaw email easily and they are being returned to you. This issue can be the result of your emails being marked as spam. The Shaw email tech support can help you to fix this. They can be reached using the Shaw tech support phone number.
- Not receiving emails: if you are not being able to receive emails check up the memory. When the memory is exhausted there is no space for the new emails. It also results in problems such as inbox loading slowly. The Shaw tech support phone number can be used for the purpose.
- Difficulty while logging in: the users can face difficulty while logging in the email accounts. It can be associated with typing the wrong password or using a new device while logging in. The customers should seek the support for fixing this problem.
Shaw Email Customer Service & Tech Support
- Click on Internet in the menu on the left side of the screen
- Scroll down until you reach the @Shaw Email Accounts section
- Click on Create Email Address. You may create up to 10 unique email accounts
- Once on the "Manage your email accounts here" section, enter the following information:
- First name
- Last name
- Username: Usernames must begin with a letter. Numbers or symbols will not be accepted as a first character
- Requires a minimum of 3 characters
- Cannot use the following characters: / \ & ‘ “ ? |, +
- Password: Input a password of your choice. See requirements here: Password Requirements for My Shaw and Email Accounts
- Re-enter your password for verification
- Click on Submit.
- Click on Internet in the menu on the left side of the screen
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