Thursday, September 13, 2018

EarthLink Customer Service & Support Phone Number 1-888-302-0444

Welcome to the EarthLink Customer Support. EarthLink online account is utilized for getting to a huge number of IT services, services related to the network and communications but there is one another important thing that it is utilized for and that is the excellent web mailing service of EarthLink. While accessing EarthLink web mailing services, then EarthLink users often face some complex issues, and they have to search for the solution of every single issue on the internet. However, you can skip this time-demanding research by simply contacting the customer service of EarthLink.


Issues related with changing the password of the EarthLink account, Issues related with recovering the EarthLink Account, Issues related with sending spam emails in the EarthLink account, Issues related with changing username of the EarthLink account, Issues related to sending or receiving of the emails in the EarthLink account, Syncing issues of the emails in the EarthLink account, Issues related with the folders in the EarthLink account, Issues related with the DNS server settings in the EarthLink account, Issues related with shuffling of emails in the EarthLink account.

How to Create a New Email Address in EarthLink Account?

1.Log into My Account with your primary email address and password. 
2. On the My Account home page (the first page that comes up after you log in), you will see a section called Email Profiles. Next, to this, you will see a line commenting on how many email addresses you have available and how many you are actually using. As long as you have at least one left you will be able to create a new email address.
3. Fill out the form to create your new email address.
Guidelines you should keep in mind when creating your new email address:
Capitalization matters (make sure CAPS LOCK is turned off).
The username portion of your email address is limited to 32 characters
Your password must be between 6 and 8 characters.
It can contain letters and numbers but no symbols.
For tips on selecting a secure password, click here.
Click Add Email Profile when you have filled out all of the required information.

 4. If the email address you selected is not available, you will have to go back through the process of selecting a new email address.
If the email address you selected is available, simply click OK to add it to your account.

 5. If you need help setting up your email program to check your new email account, visit Setting Up My Program for more information.
6. Note: The max allowed the length of a username for the primary e-mail address ONLY is up to 16 characters.

Mentioned below are EarthLink password reset issue:

Step 1: Go to the official Sign-in page of EarthLink: my account.
Step 2: Sign in to your    EarthLink account.
Step 3: Click on My Account at the top-right corner of the page.
Step 4: Click on Email Profiles option.
Step 5: Click on Edit option in the Password row.
Step 6: Fill out the form displayed on the screen.
Step 7: As the final step, click on the Change Password option to reset your password.

EarthLink Technical Support Number
EarthLink is used by millions of users across the world as it is quite easy to use and safe also. So if you are facing any trouble with your EarthLink account then you can get ample support on the Support page of EarthLink. You can choose here  EarthLink mail as your product and get the information which is related to EarthLink mail. Here enough information is available and so most common issues are described here with solutions. So you may find that your issue is also mentioned here. If not you can get help via live chat or via email also. You can also get help on the community forum page. If you want to talk to the representative on phone for help then you should dial EarthLink Technical Support Number.

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